Apr 8, 2010

Images from Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand
April 8, 2010

Images from Thailand
One day in Chiang Mai we had lunch at an orphanage. The stories of the lives of these children had me in tears - parents who died, parents and silbings who died of poisonous mushrooms, children who missed grandmothers who had taken care of them before dying, etc.. For more information and to support these children you can email chaocharoen@gmailcom .

Before we left for our trip we had organized a week of volunteering at a orphanage in Phuket during the children's summer break in April. I was going to lead art projects and Paul, Amelia and Ben were going to help out. Unfortunately the orphanage/school did not have enough money to stay open over the summer so the children were sent to temples and other schools that would take them over the summer. We stopped in and dropped off the paints we had carried for a month in our bags. You can read about the school in Phuket and its needs at http://www.phukethasbeengoodtous.org/ .

Below are some more images from Thailand.

Red Shirts in Bangkok

Ben with soldier in Summer Palace, Thailand

Amelia and Ben absailing in mountains near Chiang Mai (basically being lowered meters down a rope off a tree in the jungle).

Hanging with elephants for the day in countryside near Chiang Mai

Umbrellas made near Chiang Mai

We took a bike trip to a which included a stop at monk festival. The boy in the picture below was about to become a Buddhist monk for three months. (For all close up pictures of individuals we ask them if we can take their pictures prior to taking photos.)

The same bike trip took us by a former leper colony near Chiang Mai (people still live in these houses but they suffer from poverty rather than leprosy).

A state of emergency was declared today in Thailand due to the Red Shirts, the political party trying to overthrow the government (picture of front page below). Fortunately the Red Shirts have not taken over the airport (which did happen a year or two ago) as a late flight tonight takes us to Tanzania. It's a 12:30 a.m. flight and we go through Nairobi. We just got a text message (from whom??) to expect ten minute delays on the way to the airport due to military checkpoints. A taxi will pick us up 40 minutes early. We wish you all the best and will connect again in Africa!



1 comment:

Carla said...

Wow, hope you get out ok!